I share my writing across two channels
My monthly newsletter - Branding Brain - focuses on brand messaging, solopreneurship, telling your brand's story, and strategic marketing. I share tips, tricks, and fun gifs to support and validate your experience in building a brand. Check out a few examples below!
My creative outlet - The Diary of a Hungry Girl - is where I share personal and reflective writing on the journey to gain life’s wisdom. Sprinkled with sincerity and optimism, the entries are a not-so-annoying light in the dark with relatable musings and fruitful insights.

3 Small Spends for My Small Biz
I do try to be mindful of where my small business dollars go, yet I can’t always avoid the digital oligarchy. So while I’m here sharing three small spends that have made my solopreneur life smoother and more efficient, I think I’m also here with the reminder that multiple things can be true at once…

Preserve Your Energy to Reignite Creativity
I’ve been thinking about what can be done to funnel time and attention away from online obligations in the name of creative restoration. What are things that feel more tangible, have actual purpose, and just feel good in real life?

Don’t Quit On Your Hardest Day
A look into my collaborative and supportive process that gets across who a brand is, how they make an impact on their clients, and most importantly… Putting their story out into the world.
If you need to quit for a few hours, days, or even weeks, go for it. Know that there's someone here to support you when you're ready. I'm rooting for you!

To Instagram or Not To Instagram
I have questions… I’m trying to parse out if I should do something because it’s a “thing to do” even though it doesn’t feel like the totally right thing for me. And I’m interested in exploring if there is a way to engage on Instagram in a manageable and meaningful way.

Elements that Take Branding Beyond
As I've been working through all the elements of rebranding my solo biz, my process of building a brand with clients has been validated and enhanced. Because it's so much more than a font combination, a color palette, and a pretty Instagram post. Those are important! AND here are other elements of “being on brand” to consider. These all come together to tell an even fuller, more meaningful story.

The Pervasiveness of Pinterest
I've gently stepped back into the world of pin-spiration to DIY some stuff in our new house. Minus the fact that some of my projects could be contenders for #nailedit, I've noticed some interesting things as I've come back online.

Why I Opt-Out of Social Media
The middle ground is a really elusive place to find footing. What works for me might not work for you and visa versa. The invitations I often accept for myself and pass on to you are… Be curious. Put something down and notice how it feels. What’s it like to pick that something back up? Keep examining.

What My 3-Year-Old Has Taught Me
The adventures in Toddlerland… In this post, I talk about being a parent, losing a parent, and navigating the ride that is my motherhood experience. If those kinds of topics don't sit well with your heart, it's ok to take care of you and skip this. Wherever you are, whatever you feel, it's acknowledged and met without judgment.

The Yes And of it All
Is it really the most productive use of our already limited mental and heart capacities to be sharing subject lines and headlines that, if not read through to their entirety, implant a story that cripples us? Is this just the world we live in now? The one where we are served searing hot fear every three seconds? Have we not learned anything over the past, IDK, decade about the ways in which fear shuts us down and tears us apart?

A Modern-Day Burned CD
Long live the car visor CD display holder. Not all Y2K trends have stood the test of time, so praise for music innovation like Spotify that's given us the ability to create and share playlists with a few simple clicks. I've put together a 30-minute playlist for the heart and soul and all the feelings along the way.

Birth Experience + Abortion Rights
As someone with a uterus, and as someone raising a person with a uterus I am scared and outraged at what is happening to our reproductive rights. No one should be forced into carrying or having a baby if they are not ready and/or do not have enough support. Context is important, and the more lived experiences we come to know matter.

Postpartum Anxiety + Box Breathing
I’ve never identified with having anxiety until I pushed a human out of my vagina. Postpartum anxiety is real. My physical yoga practice is pretty nonexistent these days yet my anxiety has been the greatest reminder for me that yoga is so much further beyond the physical. So in my anxious spiral, I cling to the reminder to BREATHE.