Birth Experience + Abortion Rights
As someone with a uterus, and as someone raising a person with a uterus I am scared and outraged at what is happening to our reproductive rights. ICYMI (I love you but friend it's time to wake up): Texas recently passed a 6-week ban, aka basically a total ban, that potentially sets a scary precedent for future court decisions. No one should be forced into carrying or having a baby if they are not ready and/or do not have enough support.
Here's some context for you because context is important, and the more lived experiences we come to know matters... I am a white, middle-class, self-employed, cis-gendered, able-bodied, healthy person. My health insurance choices are laughable, unclear, and at best, adequate. When trying to estimate and prepare for the financial cost of birth, I spent weeks trying to track down information, get an estimated quote, and obtain any other answer besides "We can't give you direct information, you can request an itemized bill after your event and procedures." Cool.
I had a routine vaginal birth with an epidural and no complications, and THAT costs thousands of dollars. Some bills I received over one year after giving birth. At nine months old Quinn got an infection in a lymph node that needed to be surgically drained. At the moment when my tiny infant had a ping-pong ball-sized, deep purple lump on her groin, a 101 fever, and wasn't eating when the doctor says "A short surgery will take care of this infection and she will fully recover. The O.R. is open this afternoon and we highly suggest you schedule now." the LAST thing on my mind was Ok doc, let's T.O. for five secs so I can call my insurance provider to get a non-existing estimated cost for this. Yeah, I didn't do that. And so, we will be paying medical bills on a payment plan for at least 6 years.
With all of my privileges and my social location (which affords me a lot and gives me the ability to typically never be questioned or judged), it was STILL a financial shock and I was somewhat unprepared to safely bring a child into the world. This is a child I longed for and desperately wanted. If the way our systems are set up can leave someone like me confused and not fully supported, it is a mere fact that those most marginalized and with limited access will bear an even bigger financial, emotional and mental toll. What is happening right now is going to leave folks in impossible and unsafe situations.
I'd like to reiterate again, no one should be forced into carrying or having a baby if they are not ready and/or do not have enough support.
Get informed and support the folks with boots on the ground.
The National Network of Abortion Funds works nationwide to help people get abortions and the care that they want and need.
In Our Own Voice is a national-state partnership that uplifts Black women leaders from every level in the fight to achieve Reproductive Justice for all.
Original Art by Taylor Steinbeck @shegotthepink
I'd like to deeply express my gratitude for the overall health and safety of my family. And even more gratitude for the healthcare workers who cared for my tiny kid and continue to show up wholeheartedly every day.
This is an excerpt from my Substack, The Diary of a Hungry Girl, where I share writing that seeks to juice out the wisdom of life in a sometimes hard to digest world. For more personal essays, come on over here!